I have so much to write about that I'm sure I won't be able to fit it all in at once, but here goes. Right now I am sitting on the floor of our room at the Grand Vista in Orlando. Despite todays rain, it's been a great vacation spending time with family & friends. I am so happy to have a quick break from the fast pace of life and the Christmas season. I keep reminding myself, "Slow down and take in these moments." I've had a very busy soap run, lately. I am thankful for the business that I really haven't had to work very hard to get. I've been up to my son's school, to my husband's golf club, and filling mail orders in between. I had the most amazing thing happen last week. On my way home from an event I got a voicemail from one of my retailers saying that they had moved my soap to the front of the store and it had flown off the shelf. They needed 120 bars as soon as possible. Then when I got home, I got an email from my banner guy that he needed 200 bars by the end of the week. Now I will admit I was a little worried that I might not be able to fill both orders because I had been so busy with other events going on that I didn't have much stock. I even had my poor husband hobbling around on his ailing ankle making soap for me while I was out selling! Long story short- we managed to pull it off with soap that we had wrapped from the women's show. Thank God something good came of that show! Another very exciting thing that has recently happened was that some very good friends of ours, the Supper Swap Girls, gave us an amazing shout out which can be seen here, http://www2.wspa.com/supperswapgirls . They have a regular segment on the 12 o'clock news on our local channel 7. They spoke so highly of our little soap operation. It's friends like these that help us advance in the indie-business world!
Also, my mom has been out there spreading the word to some local outfitters, so hopefully they will be partaking in spreading some Peace, Love & Soap. Without the love and care of others, we could not thrive as a business or a family. We are Blessed.